Jonathan Poyourow
JWU Faculty Since 2013

Formerly a division dietitian in the US Army, Jonathan Poyourow can articulate how different sports require different nutritional needs, what — and when — athletes should eat for optimal performance, food’s healing factors, and the proper balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Poyourow also hosts biweekly Cooking with Class segments on Providence NBC affiliate WJAR Channel 10.
- A.S., Johnson & Wales University, CCA
- B.S., Johnson & Wales University, CCA
- M.A., Liberty University, Health & Wellness
- Ph.D., Liberty University, Health & Wellness
Teaching Interests
Sports Nutrition
Food as Medicine
Scholarly Interests
Athletic Performance Cuisine
Culinary Nutrition
Teaching Kitchens
- CUL4165 Therapeutic Cuisine
- CULN 4155 Athletic Performance Cuisine
Extra Curricular Roles
Faculty Athlete Mentor--JWU Girls Soccer
Club Advisor-- Nutrition Society
Club Advisor-- Mindfulness & Fitness Club