At Ticketmaster- The most important lessons I learned came from observation, and are more general in nature rather than industry specific. Also, I found that when preparing any type of presentation or report—try to anticipate the questions that will arise from what is being shared and either answer those questions, or determine the resources you will require to answer them in advance. This allows for increased efficiency and will prevent you from wasting the time of the executives showing that you value their time.
At the JWU Wildcat Investment Value Fund (WIVF) - Some industry skills that I learned along the way include financial modeling, allocation strategy, and certainly time management. Between my commitments to my athletic team, all of my courses, and then the commitment to the WIVF, time is absolutely an invaluable resource that needs to be used wisely to be successful at all of them.
How Will This Experience Help Your Career?
At Ticketmaster- This experience helped me prepare for my career in many ways, but most importantly, it has allowed me to greatly develop a set of soft skills needed for any business setting.
At JWU Wildcat Investment Value Fund (WIVF)- This experience has helped me through the improvement of my leadership and management skills, the development of my understanding of financial markets, and the demanding schedule that I had to learn to maintain in my time on the fund that will help prepare me for my future career.
Advice for Others? Apply to internships and dive right into them with the confidence that you are going to succeed. Even if you are not totally sure you are qualified, or you’re not sure that you are prepared for what is going to be required of you, don’t let it stop you. As an intern people are not expecting you to know remotely close to everything. The entire point of an internship is to learn.
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